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Our head office is located in Salzburg, while our bases in Germany, Croatia and Italy allow us to provide you with even better service.

Head office Salzburg

amadeus yachting
Wiesstraße 11
5161 Elixhausen
Salzburg, Österreich

amadeus yachting Salzburg



Marina Novigrad - amadeus yachting

Base Croatia

amadeus yachting Croatia
Marina Nautica Novigrad
Ul. Sv. Antona 15
52466 Novigrad, Croatia



Base Germany

amadeus yachting Munich
Landsberger Straße 341A/1
80687 Munich, Germanyd

Munich, Germany



Lignano Aprilia Marittima

Base Italy

amadeus yachting Italy
Lignano/Aprilia Marittima
Viale dei Coralli, 64
33050 Latisana UD, Italy

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Contact Info


If you desire any further information, please don’t hesitate to call us or send us an e-mail. We will contact you as soon as possible and provide the information you require.

T +43 662 480348
M +43 664 1527061

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